Thursday, April 14, 2016



The ideas and statements that are often false or exaggerated to help a political leader or a government. It is also a form of very biased communication that is  aimed to promote or demote something or someone. it is also the art of persuasion.


The Nazi's wanted total control over Germany and to do this they had to use the means of propaganda to get their message through to the people. Hitler was very aware of the use of propaganda as he was very persuasive. He appointed Joseph Goebbels as the head of propaganda for Germany. Goebbels was provided with two main tasks. number one being to ensure that no one in Germany could read or see anything damaging to the Nazi party and the second being to ensure that the ideas and views of the Nazis were put
                                                      accross in the most persuasive manner possible.

Image result for goebbelsGoebbels also established the Reich chamber of commerce to ensure that the people thought about the Nazis as though they were changing Germany.Goebbels had to work with the SS and the Gestapo to hunt down anyone who might produce articles defaming Hitler and the Nazis in any way. Goebbels also had to work with Albert Speer to arrange public displays in Germany.

The Nazis controlled film production as well. the films that were produced concentrated on certain issues regarding Germany like The Jews; The Greatness of Hitler and the way of life for a true Aryan.However the cinemas were not filled with serious films that had a political message to convey as Goebbels ordered that comedies be made to give Germany a 'lighter' look.

Goebbels also had to make sure that all the Germans could hear Hitler speak as he organized the sale of cheap radios that cost only 76 marks. Loud speakers were put up in the streets so that the people could not avoid any of the speeches that were given by any of the Nazi leaders

The prowess of propaganda that Goebbels had were best seen at the night time displays that he and Speer organized to show the world the might of the Nazi nation. In August each year, huge  rallies were organized at Nuremberg arenas. in the night time displays, 150 search lights surrounded the arena and were lit up vertically into the night sky. these lights could be seen miles away.


On May 13,1931 the International Olympic Committee, headed by Count Henry Baillet-Latour of Belgium gave the 1936 Summer Olympics to Germany.  There was a lot of confusion in Germany when this was announced as the elections were going on but two years later when Adolf Hitler becae the leader of Germany he accepted that Germany was going to be the place where the Olympics was going to be held. Hitler actually didn't have high hopes for the Olympics in the 1936 but he was convinced to support the Olympics by Joseph Goebbels who being the minister of propaganda convinced Hitler by of their propaganda value.

Soon after it was announced that the Olympics  were going to be held in Germany Hitler started to exclude Jews from German sports and recreational facilities. The German boxing association expelled Jewish amateur boxing champion Eric Seelig in 1933 as he was Jewish. Eric later resumed his boxing career in the U.S.A. The Jewish athletes who were barred from German sports clubs went to separate Jewish organizations but the Jewish associations did not have the facilities that the well-funded German groups had.

Observers in the U.S.A and other Western countries started to question their decision to give the Olympics up to Germany as they were persecuting Jewish athletes for entering German Sports. So many of the governments planned to boycott the Olympics. Debate over participation in the Olympics was greatest in the U.S.A as traditionally they sent one of the largest teams to the games.
It was settled that the Olympics was going to go on as planned when the U.S decided to agree with letting Germany hosting the Olympics.

Image result for nazi olympicsthe 1936 Olympics were a perfect arena for the Nazi propaganda machine, which was unsurpassed at for getting the peoples attention by their elaborate spectacles an rallies. Pageantry, record-breaking athletic feats and the warm German hospitality made this the 1936 Olympics memorable for athletes and spectators. Behind the scene however was a ruthless dictatorship that persecuted its enemies and rearmed itself for war to "acquire new living space" for the "Aryan master race".